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from the WHAT NEXT FOR THE UN? Building a More Secure World festival

24th October, 2020

Communities should
  1. Share best practice with other communities (such as in addressing health needs) and learn what works for others;

  2. Recognise the needs of diverse populations (such as in medical education and healthcare);

  3. Encourage collaboration within communities (such as in establishing and protecting green spaces);

  4. Encourage imaginative initiatives, by setting aside funds for community events and solutions (such as for environmental issues);

  5. Work together to address important issues locally (such as: creating Local Green New Deals to green communities by a certain date; establishing local schemes for growing, sharing and composting food). This could involve local government, planners, businesses, schools, shops and other community groups;

  6. Encourage dialogue to understand the needs of particular sectors (like youth or migrants) and how to meet them (such as in types of jobs and the employment support needed);

  7. Respond to coordinated activity – led by local politicians and university students – by joining key campaigns (such as the #ICANSAVE My City campaign, moving public opinion towards support for the ratification of the 2017 UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons);

  8. Normalise mental health concerns;

  9. Organise local food-sharing events to explore the cultural importance of food in the community, and collaboratively identify culturally appropriate changes that members can make to address the food system’s wider issues in health, sustainability, and accessibility;

  10. Reduce carbon emissions and work towards going carbon-neutral (such as for local institutions and businesses);

  11. Give local support to agro-forestry and ways of managing farms so that they nurture and protect local wildlife;

  12. Become a Transition Community – and set goals for the community to achieve sustainability within a milestoned time table;

  13. Establish local financial markets that are community owned;

  14. Mobilise the private sector to do work governments are failing to do to create integration (such as raising capital);

  15. Address abusive online behaviour (such as racism, sexism hate speech, misinformation), implementing reporting mechanisms over these issues in the digital spaces.

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