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from the WHAT NEXT FOR THE UN? Building a More Secure World festival

24th October, 2020

The UN  & International Organisations should
  1. Identify and seek to combat root causes of problems globally (such as the causes of ill health);

  2. Encourage projects (such as in health) to be community-led;

  3. Establish global reward and recognition schemes to incentivise change (such as food system transparency) and embed the SDGs in economic systems (such as the food system);

  4. For issues requiring social transformation (such as food) work with all members of civil society, particularly marginalised groups, to build a social revolution that promotes shared ownership and responsibility;

  5. Create a “We the Peoples….” citizen-led, digital UN operating through international citizens’ assemblies, giving a voice to the voiceless;

  6. Expand accountability mechanisms to defend International Human Rights;

  7. Ensure youth is represented even in the highest fora, despite local and national cultural obstructions;

  8. Adopt multi-stakeholder approaches to new challenges (such as digital issues) gathering various actors (such as companies, civil society, NGOs and human rights watchdogs);

  9. Encourage negotiators (international and inter-personal) to show evidence of their understanding of each other’s position, and share publicly evidence to that effect;

  10. Share best practices through capacity-building among nations and empower international organisations, through funding, to tackle new and emerging issues (such as creating safe and secure global digital architecture while bridging the digital divide);

  11. Agree a UN Convention on Pandemics, that

  1. Expands the Responsibility to Protect to epidemics;

  2. Obliges each nation-state to prevent the spread of communicable diseases (to safeguard its own residents, as well as the populations of other countries);

  3. Reinforces and reforms the WHO to provide it with tools to lead on proactive monitoring and intervention to halt potential pandemics, as well as to coordinate pandemic responses;


   12. Recognise ecocide as an international crime;


   13. Encourage nations to undertake capacity development to raise awareness of conflict prevention and peacebuilding in education institutions and other civic society settings;

   14. Encourage media regulatory reform where it promotes post-conflict peace settlements and their implementation, and which denies access to those using the media for non-inclusive factionalism;

   15. Continue to provide expertise and funding through programs pertaining to current digital trends and threats and dedicate more resources and means to Special Rapporteurs on digital issues (Privacy, Human Rights, Promotion of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression);

   16. Promote a new Universal Declaration of Digital Rights.

24th October, 2020

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